Once you win her over, like all the romance options, she will back you up no matter what. Loving this ex-slave isn’t easy, but she’s well worth the effort. However, with enough attitude points, you can slowly work your way into her heart. As a former slave who was mind-controlled by her evil Master, Sebille has excellent reasons to mistrust anyone. Like Ifan, she was forced to kill her kin. Sebille is easy to fall for with her equally dark past. It’s hard not to love a sexy female assassin. Keep in mind that, whether you romance him or not, if you choose to make Lucian Divine again in the end, he will hate you. We dig the risk, and we adore his angsty troubled past. Mercenary life has changed him, but not that much. There’s an element of danger in romancing a man who will do anything to reach his goals.
When that included using the Deathfog to thwart the Black Ring even though it killed everyone he’d ever known as a child, it was too much for the warrior. He worked for and followed Lucian the Divine, doing all he was bade. Plus, Ifan’s angsty backstory appeals to us. As a former crusader for the Divine Order, he’s pretty much the closest thing the game has to a priest.
The Lone Wolf mercenary Ifan Ben Mezd is decidedly our top choice to romance in the game. Regardless, here they are, our top five Divinity: Original Sin 2 romance options. The Red Prince should have been a shoo-in for first place, but we didn’t like the ending at all with him. Everyone knows the Lizards are sought after lovers for their prowess. After trying out all the romances, we definitely know what we like. Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a stellar game that we’ve enjoyed playing for quite some time. Everyone has their own favorites when it comes to romance, so we had to think long and hard about this list.