Most units have a secondary ability, activated by the 'Y' button. Unless you're using a Forge Boom, this is the easiest way to ensure a decent Supply income and unlock unit upgrades early-game. When building bases, remember this simple rule: Supply, Reactor, Supply. While you're there, steal any Supply Crates your opponents didn't claim. In addition to collecting Supply Crates, use your scout to do a drive-by of enemy bases, which can reveal their strategies based on their build orders, allowing you to plan ahead. Queue your first Supply Pad and then have the scout collect Supply Crates from the field for an early boost.

You will always start the game with a scout (Warthog, Ghost or Chopper, depending on your Leader). Right Trigger - Selects single unit types when controlling armies Left Trigger - Hold to increase camera movement speed Right Bumper - Select on-screen (Local) units Back button - Objectives (SP) / Scoreboard (MP)Ī - Select (Hold for radius unit select, double tap to select all units of one type)